Seizing the opportunities of digital change
Museums and collections contain a hidden treasure trove of information and data that extends far beyond the boundaries of the past. With over a billion objects worldwide, they not only tell fascinating stories of times past, but also provide a glimpse into the future. However, extracting relevant information from these numerous objects is a major challenge. This is where the WiNoDa project comes in.
The Knowledge Laboratory for Natural Science Collection and Object-Centered Data (WiNoDa) has set itself the goal of creating a tailor-made knowledge laboratory for excellent, multidisciplinary collection-based research. The digital transformation opens up new possibilities for the networking of data and the contextualization of knowledge across disciplinary boundaries. The challenge lies not in the sheer volume or complexity of the data, but in the development of expertise for innovative evaluation and analysis methods. The WiNoDa project promotes precisely this necessary competence in order to meet the opportunities of digital change.
Learning, researching, networking
WiNoDa focuses on the three basic pillars: learning, research and networking. It bundles teaching content and offers supporting resources for research. It strengthens skills in open science data and public engagement. It also promotes networking between scientists and related professional groups. The results of these efforts are captured digitally and presented at scientific conferences to promote the exchange of knowledge.
WiNoDa is a network of research institutions and research-supporting organizations throughout Germany. The Museum für Naturkunde Berlin (MfN) plays a key role and contributes its physical-digital knowledge infrastructure based on its extensive collection. The German Archaeological Institute (DAI) adds its experience in scientific work with natural history objects and its comprehensive expertise in the management of these data sets. The Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) provides the necessary resources in data preservation, processing and data visualization, while the Central Library Network of the Joint Library Network GBV (VZG) in Göttingen acts as a partner in the area of information infrastructure. The Networking and Competence Center Open Access Brandenburg (VuK) at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences contributes its expertise in Open Science and Open Educational Resources (OER).
From data research to publication and archiving – GFBio contributes expertise in all aspects of research data management
The german Federation for Biological Data supports the project in terms of research data management, from data search to publication and archiving. Together with our partners we produce learning content and formats tailored to the needs of research. A helpdesk provides support for individual questions and problems in research data management and data analysis. You can find out more about our role in the project here.
This multidisciplinary collaboration ensures that the WiNoDa project has access to a broad expertise and resource base. Together, the project partners strive to promote collection-based research, linking the humanities and natural sciences and providing inspiration for applied research. The establishment of a data competence center and the implementation of innovative formats mark a significant step for the future of science in German museums and collections.