Knowledge Lab for Natural Science Collections and Object-Centered Data
Bringing the Past to Life - Understanding the Future
There are over a billion objects in museums and collections around the world. These provide information about the history of earlier centuries and offer a glimpse into the future. The WiNoDa Knowledge Lab is a federally funded data competence center that provides researchers with hands-on support in using the diverse data in these collections to answer research questions about the history of the earth and humankind.

Between 2023 and 2026, the WiNoDa Knowledge Lab will develop innovative learning formats, a platform for handling collection data and a dialogue between researchers and societal stakeholders. After the initial three-year funding phase, the Knowledge Lab will be integrated into the Centre for Collections Future in Berlin.
Tasks of GFBio
As GFBio, we support the WiNoDa Knowledge Lab with our know-how in professional research data management, numerous training materials and a lively network of data professionals and collection data centres. As the managing partner of an NFDI consortium for biodiversity research, we ensure that we create synergies and avoid duplication of work.
Our tasks include:
- a helpdesk to support research
- the development of courses and training programs in the field of research data
- the development of a platform for learning services
- networking the WiNoDa Knowledge Lab with other initiatives in the National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI)

Cooperation partners
Museum für Naturkunde - Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Science (MfN)
German Archaeological Institute (DAI)
Gesellschaft für Biologische Daten e.V. (GFBio)
Verbundzentrale des GBV (VZG)
Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)
Brandenburg Open Access Networking and Competence Center (Open Access Brandenburg/VuK)
The initial phase of the WiNoDa Knowledge Lab is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the Research Data Action Plan (Aktionsplan Forschungsdaten). This is part of the Federal Government's data strategy and aims to strengthen data literacy in science and support researchers in their work on and with data.
Project number: